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What is laser hair removal?

Laser hair removal is a permanent Hair removal where a laser device generates a focused light energy to specifically target unwanted hair. Melanin, a pigment in the hair shaft, absorb the light emitted by the laser. The light energy is then converted to heat where it is then damage the hair follicle. Five percent of women have excessive hair. In most patients, there is no exact cause for hirsutism (excessive hair), but likely a genetic sensitivity of hair follicles to normal level of hormones (androgen). In other patients, there is an underlying medical condition. Possible conditions related to excessive hair are: polycystic ovary disease, increased plasma androgen level – congenital adrenal hyperplasia, cushing disease, anabolic steroids … Excessive and unwanted hair is common complaint of both women and men. Hence a desire to remove the unwanted hair is the only criterion for the laser procedure.

How does laser hair removal work?

Few weeks prior to laser hair removal, patients should not pluck their hair. It is also important, not to have a tan or sunbathe for few weeks prior to the hair removal procedure Hair grows in three phases. Active growth phase, Anagen. Transition phase, Catagen. Resting phase, Telogen. Lasers hair removal are most effective in the anagen phase as the level of melanin is highest in the hair follicle. In the telogen phase, the hair follicle detaches from its base and fall out. Hence, laser hair removal is not effective in this phase. The duration of the telogen phase varies from one area of the body to the other. For example, hair follicles on the leg stay in the telogen phase for a period of one year. Hence, as not all hair follicles are in the anagen phase at any one time, multiple laser treatment session is required to capture the new hairs follicle into the anagen phase.


What can I expect during the procedure?

The level of pain during laser hair removal depends on multiple factors: the area of the body being treated, the patient comfort level and the laser energy level. To reduce the level of discomfort in certain treatment areas or in certain patients, topical anesthesia can be applied prior to the laser hair removal. On the day of treatment, the targeted area is shaved (or it is shaved one to two days prior). A cooling gel is applied to minimize discomfort. The hand piece is then firmly applied to the skin. Dr Doumit and his team uses a diode laser at 800 nm, LightSheer, for their hair removal. Following laser hair removal, some redness and swelling can persist for few hours. In rare cases, the symptoms can last up to 2-3 days on the face, and one week on the body. Cool compresses and moisturizers are helpful during this period. Rarely, some blisters might occur. They are usually treated with antibiotic ointment (3 times per day) for few days. It is very important to use sunblock for 6 weeks following hair laser removal. Hair follicle usually shed in the first 2 weeks following hair laser removal.

Does laser hair removal cause any side effects?

Possible complications following laser hair removal include but are not limited to hyperpigmentation (likely to resolve over time), scab, ingrown hairs, redness, infection, skin discoloration and scarring.

How long will the results last?

In general, 2 to 6 sessions are necessary to achieve the desired result. The duration between each treatment varies according to the body area as hair follicles need to be treated during the anagen phase. On the body, the treatments are usually performed every 2 months while on the face, they are usually spaced one month apart. The result of hair removal varies from one patient to the other. Laser skin hair removal is most effective and permanent when there is color contrast between a dark hair and a light skin. In patients with dark skin, newer technologies can be used, including the use of intense pulsed light, though caution must still be exercised.

Is laser hair removal for everyone?

Sun tan is a contra-indication before and immediately after laser hair removal as it can cause pigmentation of the skin surrounding the hair follicles.


Disclaimer: Those pictures represent real patients treated by Dr G. Doumit. However, Patients results undergoing cosmetic treatment can vary from one to the other depending on multiple factors.

What are the cost of laser hair removal?

The cost of Laser hair removal


Real people, Actual results